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Matériel Cannabis Pipes
pipes cannabis Acrylic Bong with Double Bubble Base Chamber - Various Colors Acrylic Bong with Double Bubble Base Chamber - Various Colors
Prix : 16.00€

Acrylic Bong with Double Bubble Base Chamber - Various Colors

This compact acrylic bong is the perfect equipment for the novice smoker. It consists two bubble base chambers that are connected together with a plastic tube. The detachable tube is kept in place with rubber grommets, one on each side.
This acrylic bong is equipped with a carb hole, a built-in metal chillum downstem and a metal bowl that screws off. This means it is easy to clean which prevents it from clogging up with debris. The compact size of this piece makes it the perfect bong for the quick hit on the go!
The mouthpiece on this acrylic tube is slightly angled, so it can be used in a more comfortable position. So sit back, relax and enjoy!
This piece comes in various striking colors and unfortunately it is not possible to choose the color in advance.
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