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Matériel Cannabis Pipes
pipes cannabis Dude Straight Cylinder Glass Bong Set in Aluminum Case Dude Straight Cylinder Glass Bong Set in Aluminum Case
Prix : 64.02€

Dude Straight Cylinder Glass Bong Set in Aluminum Case

If you ever thought it would be fun to have an extra bong to take along with you to parties or weekend getaways, then dude, this Dude glass bong set is just what you've been looking for! Plus, it comes packed with accessories, making it a great gift or starter bong!
This basic straight cylinder glass bong set comes with an 18.8mm downstem and 18.8mm funnel bowl, as well as a Dude acrylic weed grinder, a pack of 5 metal pipe screens, and a Dude lighter.** The black and silver case features a handle and clasp to make it easy to carry, and the inside lid is padded, with plastic casing molded to the pieces inside for extra protection.
**PLEASE NOTE: due to shipping restrictions, we cannot ship flammable liquids overseas. If you are ordering from outside of continental Europe, the lighter in this set will be replaced with a similar smoking accessory from our warehouse.
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