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Matériel Cannabis Moulins à Herbes
Moulins à Herbes cannabis FreshWeigh Digital Scale, Stealth Safe and Acrylic Grinder FreshWeigh Digital Scale, Stealth Safe and Acrylic Grinder
Prix : 36.01€

FreshWeigh Digital Scale, Stealth Safe and Acrylic Grinder

To the casual observer it's just a little red plastic jar of fruity candy or powdered drink mix. Only you will know that stored inside is a digital pocket scale, acrylic herb grinder, and a stash compartment!The 100-gram capacity scale has a black acrylic casing, auto shut off, tare capacity, and is accurate to 0.01g. Weigh your items in grams (g), ounces (oz), troy grains (gn), troy ounces (ozt), pennyweights (dwt) or carats (ct). The digital display is powered by 2 AAA batteries, which are included, and the scale comes with a 30-year warranty.
The black acrylic 2-part grinder has sharp shark teeth and a magnetized lid, and in the screw top lid, the cap lifts to reveal a secret spot for your stash. All of htis fits into one little bright red package!Please note: before turning on your scale for the first time, make sure to remove the plastic strip that protects the battery in order to complete the connection.
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