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pipes cannabis Grace Glass - Straight Ice Bong with Spiral perc & Splashguard - Green Grace Glass - Straight Ice Bong with Spiral perc & Splashguard - Green
Prix : 71.23€

Grace Glass - Straight Ice Bong with Spiral perc & Splashguard - Green

This Grace Glass straight ice bong comes as a complete set that features a slitted diffuser downstem and matching green flower bowl with a clear glass handle for easy lifting.
Place your herbs in the flower bowl, which connects to a detachable slitted diffuser downstem. A green spiral percolator bubbles up your smoke and a slitted splashguard prevents water from splashing into your mouth. Some ice notches can hold a few cubes, for an extra cool toke. This results in a silky smooth hit that is packed with flavor and much easier on the throat and lungs. This bong is equipped with a carb hole, but for those who enjoy smoking without a carb hole, a carb hole stopper is included with your purchase. The Grace Glass logo is placed underneath the ice notches in a matching green color. Above the ice notches beautiful green beads decorate the tube leading up to the mouthpiece. The tube ends in a comfortable mouthpiece with a green rim.
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