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Matériel Cannabis Moulins à Herbes
Moulins à Herbes cannabis Mama P’s – Li’l P Pollen Press Mama P’s – Li’l P Pollen Press
Prix : 120.04€

Mama P?s ? Li?l P Pollen Press

The Li?l P pollen compressor by Mama P?s is made in the USA of recycled aircraft aluminum that is guaranteed to last a lifetime. The Li?l P pollen will turn the kief from your herb grinder into a compact block. Pressing the pollen dust into a disc will not just retain its potency, but it also makes it easier to store and smoke. This pollen press by Mama P?s is really easy to use and will ensure optimal results with a minimum effort.
This light- weight aluminum pollen press measures 4 inches (10cm) in width and height and depth.The Li?l P pollen press is really easy to dismantle, which makes cleaning a piece of cake. It comes delivered in a box with a full instruction manual.
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