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Matériel Cannabis Pipes
pipes cannabis Pulse Glass - Built-In Showerhead Perc Ash Catcher - 45 Degree Joint Pulse Glass - Built-In Showerhead Perc Ash Catcher - 45 Degree Joint
Prix : 80.03€

Pulse Glass - Built-In Showerhead Perc Ash Catcher - 45 Degree Joint

The judges at the 2012 High Times Cannabis Cup (Seattle) awarded first place in Best Glass to Pulse Glass, and it's easy to see why they also picked up first place Best Bubbler and Best Tube at the 2012 Kush Cup! This Los Angeles-area-based American glass brand makes each piece by hand, flame polished for beautiful gleam and shine and labeled with the Pulse Glass logo in real platinum that won't ever chip, fade or tarnish. When you buy a Pulse Glass piece, you're not buying off an assembly line, that's why each hand-blown glass bong and bubbler bears the message, "From our family to you: Enjoy!"This ash catcher is a classy and functional attachment for your Pulse Glass bong or any glass-on-glass bong in your collection that deserves something special! The built-in downstem features a flame-polished showerhead perc that breaks up and filters your toke into a smooth, bubbly bong hit. The 45 degree standard joint on this piece is ideal for most bongs. Choose from 14.5mm or 18.8mm joint size when ordering.
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