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Matériel Cannabis Papiers à Rouler
Papiers à Rouler cannabis Snail Deluxe Amsterdam Collection - King Size Slim Rolling Papers with Filter Tips - Single Pack Snail Deluxe Amsterdam Collection - King Size Slim Rolling Papers with Filter Tips - Single Pack
Prix : 1.59€

Snail Deluxe Amsterdam Collection - King Size Slim Rolling Papers with Filter Tips - Single Pack

Snail's Deluxe Collection box sets of 4 king size slim rolling papers with filter tips are now available as a single pack! You'll get one of four different Amsterdam-themed package designs (at random) on a pack of king size slim rolling papers with filter tips. Each pack contains 32 lightweight, slow-burning leaves and heavy paper filter/roach tips, so you're ready to roll!
If you want one of each of these designs, you can still buy the Snail Deluxe Amsterdam Collection in a cool decorated box with 4 packs inside!
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